Sellele 23. novembril 1939.a. Paide vaksali postiagentuuri (PAIDE VAKSAL AG) kaudu Järva-Jaani lähetatud postkaardile on vaatamata 5-sendise margi olemasolule juurdemaks määratud. Lisaks on postitöötaja ka margile pliiatsiga kasti ümber teinud viitamaks, et margiga on miskit lahti. Kuigi sel ajal oli sisemaise postkaardi saatmise tariif 5 senti nagu ka kaardil olev mark, siis kataloogi uurides selgub, et konkreetne mark kehtis 15.06.1938 – 31.12.1938, seega saatmise hetkel loeti see kehtetuks ja määrati saajale 10 senti juurdemaksu (puudu olev summa topelt), nagu marki poleks üldse peal olnud. Paide vaksali postkontoris löödi punane “T” tempel ja lisati pliiatsiga “10 snt”, see summa nõuti enne kaardi kätte andmist sisse adressaadilt Järva-Jaanis.
Kaardi teisel küljel näeme fotot Tallinna tänavast, mis kuni praeguse ajani pole eriti muutunud.
English summary: This card was sent from Paide railway station (PAIDE VAKSAL AG) to Järva-Jaani on 23.11.1939. Although this card has 5s stamp as was required for inland postcard the postcard has been taxed. Reason is that this stamp was valid only between 15.06.1938 – 31.12.1938, so by time of sending this postcard in 1939 it was not valid any more. So postal clerk added red “T” with inscription “10 snt” like there was no stamp attached at all. That 10s (double of missing postage) was charged from recipient of the card. On bottom photo you see front side of the card that depicts Tallinn street in Paide, towards centre of the town. This view is almost the same today.